Innovating the authentic

Lactose free products
Zerolact Story
Zerolact was launched in 2015. Our inspiration came from the desire to make Bulgarian white cheese and Bulgarian yoghurt accessible to people with lactose intolerance.
It was fueled by the numerous visitors suffering from LI that we’ve met at each food show, who were hesitant to try, perhaps being ill-advised to avoid any dairy products.
Staying true to our commitment to deliver safe products, we also needed to shed light on the widespread misconception that aged cheeses are “naturally lactose free” due to longer ripening time.
Zerolact guarantees Lactose free products, achieved by special milk treatment and natural enzyme use, not some made-up claims.

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Get in Touch
Find us at the office
ECCO-F S.A.The Karabunar Dairy
4484, Karabunar, Bulgaria